Saturday, October 25, 2008

the lion sleeps tonight

week 2 of my 3 week adventure! we ended our homestays early monday morning, and it was a joyous reunion to be back with all the cool kids from the program. we all had pretty hilarious stories to swap about goats and bad food and the like. it was a quick drive to etosha, namibia's infamous game viewing park - its said that the park is as big as the netherlands! on our drive in to our campground alone we saw zebras, elephants, and giraffes! and various other deer-like antelopish things. i was SO excited to see the animals... and took an obnoxious amount of pictures, duh. i find it funny that upon my first zebra sighting i took like 500 pictures just in case we didn't come across anymore... but by the end of the day, the zebras were like squirrels at purdue! everywhere!

we stopped to picnic lunch at a campground built around a watering hole. it was so cool to see all the different animals chillin, coolin down and gettin hydrated. giraffes are hilarious when they drink water, bending over all awkwardly. everytime i saw a giraffe i couldn't help but think of "giraffes can't dance," the best camp story ever (after the giving tree and the skit apache did with all the deaths and the ketchup and the whatnot). (i heart camp pendalouan).

when we actually got to our campground, we were overjoyed to find a swimming pool, clean showers, and lots of free time. honestly, none of us had had a real shower for over a week, so lord knows we welcomed it all with open arms.

the next morning we went on a game drive at sunrise, it was so beautiful - we saw lions! a boy and a girl lion (nala and simba obviously) and they were drinking at a watering hole together. they were really quite sweet looking, and played together and rolled around just like regular cats. i was convinced if i wore my hair down i could approach them as one of their own and make friends, but sadly, my professor's didn't think that was the wisest idea i've ever had.

we had an amazing buffet dinner at the campground with an impressive selection of desserts. it reminded me of the part in jurassic park when the boy and girl get to pig out (but without the velociraptors making a guest appearance).

the next few days in the north were pretty laidback and hot. we went to the border of namibia / angola, which was really cool. crowds of angolans were trying to get into namibia (everything is cheaper here since the angolan economy is kapootz). it was almost like watching minors sneak into a bar; whenever a border post officer would look away, people would literally run in! it was crazy. there were alot of chinese shops on the border (selling goods for way cheap) and i enjoyed having conversations in chinese with some of the shop owners. i miss china!

we met the king of the various african tribes in damara land. i've never met a king before! he wasn't wearing a crown of many jewels or a cape of velvet, so needless to say i was a little disappointed, but it was still cool. we also got to go to a waterpark type resort for an afternoon! the pool tasted like saltwater, but really i was more interested in catching the bunnies hopping around the establishment. although becky's and my's bunny hunt was unsuccessful, it all still made me laugh til tears. bunny bunny! i want one. :)

paz y amore!

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