Tuesday, December 23, 2008

no place like home for the holidays

the hustle and bustle of this time of year is unlike any other. 

"home." before coming back to the states, we had a program in namibia about re-assimilating to home, and the fact that we will actually be "temporarily homeless."

i honestly feel like my time in africa was a dream, that i've been in some sort of unconscious state for the last few months and imagined it all. maybe its because nothing at home has changed, or maybe its because i'm realizing i haven't changed.

i feel very overwhelmed by all the busy-ness that is going on at home, but at the same time, i do not want to be left alone with my thoughts.

it is a struggle.

i do not mind letting the holiday fervor consume me, it is easier for me to pretend like i never saw any of the things that i did. but how awful does that sound? that is exactly what i can't do- i can't keep quiet, i can't sit back and act like nothing happened. i have to make the voices of very real people very far away from me heard. i wish i could articulate my brain.

happy holidays everyone.

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