Sunday, November 23, 2008

a weema whop a weema whop

my last sunday in windhoek. and so the final week begins!

last week, a friend of one of the students who lives in johannesburg came to visit us for a week. his name was rezaan and he was awesome, very lively and brought alot of fun to the group. it worked nicely with all of our classes coming to an end and not too much homework to finish it off. we did alot of fun tourist-y things :) some went to the local brewery and to dinner in the "central park" of windhoek, zoo park. my favorite of all was paintballing -- i haven't played since camp eons ago and it definitely showed. i sucked. but i did hit rezaan once and brett once, and i did get hit plenty of times including on my mouth which was awesome and not painful at all. :)

we went to a craft market known as "penduka" that works with women who have tuberculosis and gives them a source of work and income. they made really beautiful crafts, lots of tapestries and recycled jewelery. i bought some beads that were made of old windhoek lager bottles. i am excited to make some of my own bracelets and earrings with them.

me and some friends went on an adventure to find this restaurant called "fresh and wild." we kept thinking we were lost on the way there because it was in a part of windhoek we were unfamiliar with and it was quite a hike. it all worked out though :) and lunch was positively deliciousss!!

we also went karaoking on thursday night at a bar called "dylans." i was excited to see some old faces from the night life around windhoek there again- it was like fate, but better! having native namibian friends (even if they're afrikaaner) is definitely a bonus. it makes it even harder to leave though. i went out with these friends on saturday night, we got milkshakes and had a bonfire in klein. their houses are SO BIG. with grass and lots of trophies from past hunting trips (including a wildebeest, which naturally i scoffed at. you killed mufasa you jerks).

friday night we went to a rastafarian party at the college of arts. it was such a unique and cool experience! i've never really hung out with rastas before but i definitely have a better appreciation of their culture now, and i'm hoping to look more into it because their life and love philosophies seem right on cue.

we of course have eaten at the blue olive again and have gone to the farmers market and single quarters in katutura- me and rachel and cameron are trying to do research for our final project, which highlights the idea of "home" and what it means to people in windhoek. its been very interesting and hilarious, i particularly loved moses who said he would hire me to work for his electrition company and randy the security guard at the box.

i think i want to get my hair braided this week.

mom i got my nose pierced i'm sorry.

i finally finished most of my shopping!

6 days til cape town, 15 til chi-town.

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