Monday, November 17, 2008

you can't just go around asking people why they're white

another fantastic week around these parts. considering i only have a few more precious weeks here in namibia, i have been going out to different places as much as i can in the hopes of squeezing in as much of windhoek as i can.

1. sushi and such (i need to go to japan)
2. wine bar (i'm not sure why i think i'll like wine every time i try it. however, the place was so romantic, with an outdoor terrace looking out over windhoek. low lighting and comfy seating. and the cheese platter = delicious)
3. the blue olive (hummus and organic and free range and fresh and awesome. went there twice in one week. the second time i ate a cookie in the shape of an owl. oh and a slice of cheesecake, one that we initially bought for a friend... but after waiting for the bill and staring at it, we all decided to grab our forks and dive in).
4. joe's beerhouse (rounds 2 and 3. a "tourist must." i like it because i consistently get free drinks. hehehe.)
5. the biomarket/farmers market (i LOVE farmers markets, and this one was no different- save for it was in a very german part of town and pretty much everyone there was white. we bought fresh pesto and spinach and cheese and made pasta for dinner. so lovely.)

thats alot of places in one week if you ask me. i'm trying to think of the rest of my trip as a "vacation" since i have been a miser of sorts this semester when it comes to spending money. i'd say all is well.

i went to the namibian police department in search of a tshirt to buy my dad. i accidentally ended up in the area with the holding cells. awkward.

friday night we had a tshirt tiedying-decorating extravaganza. it was so much fun, the tie-dye turned out really well and everyone made awesome namibia-themed tshirts, tank tops, shorts, pants, underwear, the options were limitless!

in other news, i went to the UN building this week to meet with a woman concerning aids and aids development. i think it would be sweet to work for the un. we also went to USAID and met with an american who has been working overseas for the last 16 years. i really appreciate being exposed to americans overseas, but i also get really frustrated. most of these women are very successful and have enjoyed living and working abroad, something i would love todo, but it seems to be at the expense of having a family. i think i'd rather have a family.

i straight up fell when i was running this week, tripped over some uneven pavement, damnitt. of course it would be at an intersection. don't you worry though, i was a tough girl and am broken-bone free. mel the paramedic took good care of me.

the last week of classes is upon me. sigh. so bittersweet. i am at my last day of my internship and i am seriously joyful. i was practically skipping here. however, as i sat here and completed my project i realized what a good semester i've had at namibia housing action group, and how many cool people i have interacted with. it wasn't so bad afterall.

now i'm cranking out my last papers and brainstorming ideas for my final integrative project. as i'm thinking about all of the fun things i want to do when i get home, i'm beginning to realize how many other things come with the "back to reality," i.e. figuring out plans for next summer and post-college and finding a job in the spring and blahblah ughh i just want to play.


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