Monday, September 15, 2008

hey blackfoot!

"we have black feet!" < --- i love camp pendalouan.

i've realized blogging is a wonderful hobby, and now pledge to update more often, and not only when i am sitting at my internship, being useless. (tehe)

last week i got to eat pizzzza. mmm glorious pizza. however, it did not compare to when i was in china and ate at pizza hut, that was literally the best pizza i've ever had (especially after 3 weeks of fish heads and chicken feet and eels and live shrimp and the like). we also went and saw a live show at the "warehouse" by the rockets from cape town. it was a group of 5 older gentlemen who covered popular (albeit random) songs, including - selena and........ "time of your life" from dirty dancing. let it be known i was singing every word, despite the stares (not really sure if it was because i was the only white person in the venue or because i am awesome?)

the weekend lead to more adventures. my brother lorenzo and i drove around in his "bucky" (a small truck like automobile) and blasted jordin sparks, "no air" on repeat until we learned all the words... i love taking the long way home, windows down, feet on the dashboard. saturday i went shopping in town with my mom and i bought a winter jacket... before you question/hate, realize that everything for cold seasons is on clearance right now, and i will be able to use it come december! :) it is really quite lovely and reminds me rainy foggy london days. oh to be in london again.

we went to the market and bought alot of food for supper. we had a big gathering at the house for wedding planning. my older sister, gloria, is tying the knot in october. i really want to go to the wedding, but its during my 3 week fall break with the center. good grief. i wanted to partake in the wedding planning but having the women speak in english all the while was a tall order. so instead, i played with the kids, and watched madagascar. i really love that littlest lemur.

and before i knew it, it was sunday morning, when i had promised my family i would make a traditional american breakfast. i made pancakes and gave them a gift of maple syrup from the deep river park grist mill back in the 'bart. i don't think they really understood the concept, but thats fine. making pancakes from scratch is not so difficult, and i think next time i will experiment with extra goodies (aka chocolate chips, bananas, and peanutbutter).

we went swimming at the pool at my house and the kids had such a fun time. i hope that they come back later this semester. maybe we can have a picnic!!! although it was a little harder to say goodbye to my family than i thought it would be, i am overall glad to be done with my urban homestay. i do plan on keeping in touch with my family and seeing them a few more times before i leave namibia, but its definitely nice to be back with my friends at the center.

we all went out to celebrate our reunion, and to celebrate paul's 21st birthday!! hey-o. my first 21 year old party :) i got to buy him a drink :) we always go to this bar/hostel up the road called the cardboard box... and even though it is very chill and low key, i like it so much, mostly because we get to meet so many interesting people from all over the world midst their travels. they lead such exciting, nomadic lives, i hope i can do the same someday!

love and hugs to my loyal reader(s), if you are out there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i love hearing your storeis!

whenever i do my "service-learning" i think of you...and wish i could be in the home country doing it.