Wednesday, September 10, 2008

walalapo meimei u tatei!

I have learned two new languages since I've last posted! One with CLICKS called "damara/nama" and the other is called "Oshivambo." What a busy week we've had! I started my internship last Monday and was honestly disappointed. The organization I am working for is called the "Namibia Housing Action Group" under "Shack Dwellers Federation." As you can maybe deduce from the name, it is a low-income housing / micro credit finance group that helps the impoverished of Namibia to rise from the depths!! They teach the people their own means of daily savings and training so as to start their own private businesses. It is SUCH a cool idea and the people are really benefiting from it. However, I didn't have very much to do on my first day and my supervisor did not really have time to see me. When she did, she informed me of this ginormo project that I am in charge of completing during my time here. It is actually really awesome -- I have to go into the community and meet with people who are now living in homes versus their former shacks and find out about their lives. After collecting all the information I have to make a database of sorts that holds all of their testimonies. As awesome as it is, I am definitely overwhelmed -- there are nearly 300 projects! Over 1/3 of the population of Namibia is considered "extremely poor." I may have the chance to talk to most of the them!

On Tuesday we had a "group retreat" and went to a resort outside of Windhoek. It was in the mountains and very beautiful! They had some game roaming about including monkeys, kudu, horses, and... CATS. YAy! :) The kudu was tame and really quite friendly. It is a type of large deer-ish animal thing. I took lots of pictures :) We did a lot of "group building activities" including... egg on the spoon race! Yes! My team didn't win but it was a valiable effort... We also shared "life stories" with each other, trying to explain our identity in 5-10 minutes. It was really interesting to learn more about the people I am sharing this experience with. Mine of course included when Steven Plucevsky threw a worm on me in Kindergarten and when I beat Dexter Larimore (2006 National Heavyweight champion / OSU football player) in arm wrestling in 3rd grade. Just kidding. Though those seem to be very memorable times in my life.

Juuust kidding... :) I mostly talked about the "bubble" I feel that I lived in before college, and how my eyes have really opened since coming to Valpo. I am now a woman who makes my own opinions, free of the influence of my parents, my friends, and my home church. And I am much happier now. I now realize that my privilege lends me a responsibity to help those who are less fortunate than me, and I am on the road of a humbled servant of God in the world promoting awareness and change.

We started our classes this week, and although they are everyday for four hours, they don't seem to be terribly boring or impossible. I have quite a bit of work on my hands already, and frankly, I just want to hang out in the sun and enjoy my time here, not keep my nose in a book. On the other hand, I love doing well in school, so I am combining the two -- reading by the pool. Ah, the life.

Our second homestays began and I have a pretty B.A. family. They're almost like hippie throwbacks, my brother has dreads and my mom is always wearing tie-dye. Everyone room in their house is a different BRIGHT color, serious hot pink and sunflower yellow. My room is pink :) They are very devout Christians and love to talk about their faith, which is really inspiring! I also have a little brother named Damian who is a hyper little bugger. He is pretty infatuated with me and loves waking me up in the morning by jumping into bed with me... and then poking me til I come alive... Haha. He is a treat. The only downside is they basically won't let me continue my meat-free diet! Bah. On Friday, we had a traditional "braii" (barbeque) and they cooked tons of steak, pork, and sausage... then gave me a heaping plate and watched me eat it. Haha. I really don't mind at all, I knew coming here that being a veggie might pose some problems.. and honestly, the meat here is yummy... and hasn't made me sick... yet. :)

Saturday we went to a 21st birthday party in Rehoboth, a town about 80 km from here. I guess 21 is a big deal here as well because you are "officially" an adult. The party was dolphin themed? And everything was pink and blue... looked like a baby shower to me.

There are many people who live in the house that I am staying in, and it is so much fun! I love playing with the kids, even if they ask me "why I'm not black." Haha. We also have puppies!!!! Who are crazy and fun. And there is a man here who plays guitar and piano.. I am going to go see him play this week. There is also talk of going to a pizza place later and watching pirates of the caribbean 3! Speaking of television, my family watches the most awkward soap opera called "The Woman of My Life." I think its originally in spanish and its dubbed over in English, everyone's names are like "Barnita" and "Pedro." And its super awkward and the acting is ... good... When I meet up with CGE friends at the house, we all talk about what Esperanza did the night before (how could she?!) or how hot Eduardo looked in his button down shirt with the top buttons undone... all the families just love that weird show.

I started traveling with my internship to speak with people in shantytowns. I have to have a translator come and help me, which is actually really awkward. I have never dealt with translators before. I initially felt very uncomfortable talking to the people, I felt like they all stared at me grumpily during our conversation. But alas, my discomfort was unjustified - before I left, they asked me to stay and share a "traditional african drink" with them... it had corn in it. 'Nough said. :)

My homestay ends on Sunday and I am happy for it to come to a close. Although I enjoy my family, I really love my CGE house and friends more :) I have been able to talk pretty regularly to my good friends from home so that is exciting, even the ones who are abroad! (I want to go to Europe!!!!) Feel free to drop me an email @ because I would love to hear from you :)

some photos:

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